Archive | December 2013



Hi Mommy and Daddy!  Her little hand.


It looks like she is talking on a phone!


Her back is to us, and her legs are to the left…

Our Last Christmas…..

Alone!  Next year we will be going crazy making Gulianna’s first Christmas amazing.  It is really going by fast, the pregnancy and I am usually going crazy on Christmas Eve, heading here and there, and being hi risk, on bedrest, I have to say I am really enjoying this really peaceful night.  Today, we are 14 weeks, 3 days pregnant.  Despite all of the things that we have gone through in the past few weeks with a cerclage, spotting, bedrest, etc….she is doing great!  So far, we can say she is a thumb-sucker.  It is the cutest thing.  She also seems to be shy!  Whenever they do a sonogram, she is just sucking her thumb and not really performing acrobatics.  I guess she gets her love of sleep from her mommy!! 

I could go on forever writing about her, but we have presents to wrap!  I am going to add pics in a separate post….

Merry Christmas and baby dust to you all!!


Gulianna Hope

Gulianna Hope

The first pic of the little muffin. Her head is to the right, and although the tech took some GREAT pics, this is the one we got….oh well…..she is shy, and sucks her thumb. LOVE ❤

Hello Second Trimester!

I never thought in a million years that I would be writing this.  After over two years of ttc, and issue after issue….we are finally able to say comfortably that we are going to have a baby!  A girl!!  It has been a relatively simple pregnancy with little to no morning sickness or issues.  That is until a few days ago.  We saw the hi-risk doc, and the NT scan looked great.  My cervix was good, but because I have had preterm deliveries, a cerclage had to be placed.  (I have had them before)  My doc did not want to wait, since he was going away and I would be 15 weeks when he got back so he scheduled the surgery for Friday.  Nevermind that he was late, (3:30!) and I was miserably hungry.  The anesthesiologist and I butted heads from the get-go.  I remembered having not been awake in the past (last one was over 8 years ago) and I did not want to have a spinal because I really fear needles.  When the doc came, we had a heart to heart and after much crying I had to suck it up and go with the spinal.  We tried for so long, I was not going to screw it up now!

I get into the operating room, and am getting the spinal when I suddenly see the nurses name badge begin to fade away…and I hear the nurse say “Shes going out!” and then I heard “Shes vagaling” and that was it.  (My blood pressure and heart rate dropped) Next thing I remember was looking up into a light, with a blue thing in my face.  They were doing the procedure, and the nurse was talking to me but I was really not paying attention.  Once they were done I went into recovery and had a severe case of tremors from the anesthesia, so I got some demerol.  It took about four hours to get stable enough to leave the PACU, and I went into recovery for about 15 minutes and was admitted into the antepartum unit.  At about 11 pm the resident OB came in and did a sonogram and thankfully, our little girl is doing GREAT!!  Sucking her thumb, kicking away.  Of course I am going to be on bed-rest for a pretty long while, but in the end, it is so worth it. 

I just hope that the first days of the second trimester are not setting the tone for the next 12 weeks!!  I don’t think either of us could handle it!!  I have a sonogram picture that I will post….